How to Setup Foreign Trade Zones


 About Foreign Trade Zone Foreign Trade Zones (FTZ) are secure areas within the United States that are considered to be outside of U.S. Customs territory for tariff purposes. FTZ benefits are available to any U.S.-based company, and these zones are not restricted to specific geographic locations within the United States, providing flexibility for companies in … Read more

How to Successfully Claim Duty Drawback

duty drawback

Duty Drawback is a program that helps exporters offset some of the costs accrued during the export process. It permits the American manufacturer to compete in foreign markets without the handicap of including in the costs, the duty paid on imported merchandise. The program gives rebates on Customs and Central Excise chargeable on any imported … Read more

Global Shipping Challenges

container port

The global shipping industry is facing a cascade of challenges, with the Red Sea cargo shipping disruptions being a significant contributor. The ongoing conflict in Yemen has necessitated rerouting around the Cape of Good Hope, leading to longer transit times and increased operational costs. This shift has strained shipping capacity, as vessels are tied up … Read more

Understanding Chemical Logistics

Logistics has been around for centuries. Initially associated with the Greek and Roman military for the movement and support of their armies, it eventually represented the organized movement of goods and materials in business. Logistics involves the movement of goods from A to B using an array of services and service providers, using multiple modes … Read more


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Welcome to NUCO Logistics At NUCO Logistics, we understand that every moment counts in logistics. That’s why we pride ourselves on our commitment to efficiency and precision. Your goods are not just shipments to us; they are a vital part of your business. Our team of logistics experts works tirelessly to ensure that your cargo … Read more

NUCO Logistics

Logistics Excellence, Beyond Boundaries

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